Source Code


The number coming after 19 in hexadecimal.

9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1A

by RedWater February 24, 2009

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

don't spill the beans

Based on the children's game of the same name, this game takes place when two or more individuals have to share a trash can. The one who can no longer balance something on top of the heaping pile of garbage without it falling down is the one who must take the trash out.

"That last beer can spilled the beans, so now I have to take the trash out."

"John lost this round of don't spill the beans."

by RedWater July 1, 2009

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Prominent Seattle area nerdcore rapper with anime and video game themed songs.

Excerpt from Shinigami - It's Gone:

it's oldschool life for the simpler days /
it's oldschool life with the simpler ways /
catch me chillin´ like a villain with a thousand plays /
but I know it's not gone - nah it ain't no phase

by RedWater May 9, 2009

16πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Money Maker

1) A device that literally makes money, such as a coin press or a bill press.

2) A device or anatomical region that figuratively makes money, such as a "booty", "nice set of legs" or in rare cases a "brain." Body parts that come in pairs are generally referred to in the plural.

3) A device that indirectly makes money, such as a computer or guitar.

4) One who makes money, such as Bill Gates.

"Let's fire up the money maker. We have an order for $6 billion in 20s."

"Shake ya money maker baby!" (referring to the bottom)

"Shake ya money makers baby!" (referring to the breasts)

"Shake the money maker" (referring to the process by which a coin press is shaken to clear a jam)

"I wear a helmet to protect my money maker"

"I owe my success to my money maker... my PC!"

"I'm the money maker of the family"

by RedWater June 2, 2009

85πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

brother melms

Pejorative - A hypothetical idealogue who is used to describe an adherence to a list of propositional truths, rather than the pursuit of knowledge.

"Don't be like brother melms"

by RedWater March 2, 2023

robot, the

An old kind of dancing that resembles a robot. It remains semi-popular today.

This can take many different shapes and forms. For example, you could be the standard-lame-person-who-can't-dance and just move your arms up and down in a stiff manner while moving your head around in a robotic fashion. This method is generally frowned upon as n00bish. While this basic kind of robot dancing is lame, a good robot dancer can turn heads even today. Deft control of the wrists, elbows, shoulders, waist, knees, feet, spine, neck, head, eyes, and mouth are required for an expert at the robot. This movement apearing like a robot can be as smooth or jittery as the music allows. Generally works best with most kinds of electronic music, but much straight beat rock and funk works just as well. BPM (tempo) ranges may vary with the dancing style.

All names of Moves and Sub Styles are made up. The moves and styles still exist, however.
Some "The Robot" Moves:
"Hydrolics" - going from stiff to limp at will.
"Liquid Robot" - jittering liquid dance that resembles a strobe light effect.
"Stutter" - moving back and forth between two positions rapidly, making the dancer look like a frozen VHS screen.

Sub-styles are:
"The Man in a Robot Suit" - danger will robinson!
"Industrial Robot" - Much meaner and stiffer.
"The Funky Robot" - It's a robot that doesn't care to look like a robot, but isn't really that great of a dancer.
"The Glitch Robot" - An excessive ammount of stuttering occurs. Enough to convince any normal person that this person is having a seisure. Really only works with glitch or stutter-edit music.
"Putty" - a style that makes the dancer appear as pliable as Silly Putty(tm). Not technically robot dancing, but requires the same full body control.

Look! Phil's doing the robot! I wish I could do that. All I can do is wave my hands around like a raver. I'm gonna go cut my wrists now. :'(

by RedWater December 13, 2004

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

warez d00dz

Not to be confused with the casual Kazaa user, the regular IRC downloader, or the CD sharing home user, warez d00dz are part of the darkest internet subculture, alongside beasiality porn, virus d00dz, and hotornot.com. Warez d00dz usually copy the warez from their own software, breaking copy protection if need be. Warez d00dz could be found on the web (http) until the internet stock crash, after which they couldn't find any decent hosting places and took most of their work to IRC or pr0n sites.

Warez d00dz are best used and abused. Without them we would have trouble finding antiquated abandonware and obscure modern software titles, and even Kazaa needs it's sources -- most of which are on IRC. Their egos rest on how much illegal software they've accumulated and shared for all to see, so download a few files and keep the heads big, but -- heaven forbid -- don't become one!

Hang out in the related chatrooms but are not the same:
virus d00dz - Like hackers, but they write virii. Use names such as "D00M666".
drug d00dz - Functionally the same as a virus d00d, but lacks the technical skillz (i.e. programming). Writes in alternating caps or 1337 speak. Grows mushrooms in his desk drawers and deals hard to find substances like peyote. Use names such as "ShRoOmZ".
script kiddies - The AOL equivalent of the hacker community. Use names such as "linux".
1337 H4ck3rZ- jeff k - A typing dialect of the script kiddie community. Numbers are usually substituted for letters. Use names such as "Cyph0rk".

<DarkNinja> I uP LoAdEd ThE LaTeSt mIcRoSoFt oFfIcE ... iTs On mY fTp SeRvEr
<ShRoOmZ> l0g1n t3h s4m3???
<DarkNinja> YeAh
<D00M666> nice Ill put it up on the mirror server
<linux> can u dcc 2 me plz
<D00M666> shut up fag
<Cyph0rk> j00 d00dz h4v3 n3 n3\/\/ w4r3z? 3y3 m34n b51d3s t3h 0fac3.
<Cyph0rk> n31??
<D00M666> WeRe IgNoRiNg YoU

by RedWater September 21, 2004

47πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž