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deep fried memes

The visual equivalent of ear rape.

Person 1: Hey check out this meme *shows phone*
Person 2: Why's it so distorted?
Person 1: You've never seen deep fried memes before? What a normie.

by Reggie the edgy veggie May 7, 2018

82👍 7👎


Also called Lanson by some of the locals, a small town of less than 10,000 people in east Cornwall, south-west UK. It has a crumbling castle with a single turret, an old arch that used to be part of the town walls called Southgate, several churches, like a hundred little shops in the town centre (NONE of which have anything good to sell), and far more barber shops than are needed. The only decent places to buy stuff are the Tesco and retail park, but many simply go to Plymouth for good shopping. However, the schools here aren't bad, but be ready for strict rules. Being positioned mostly on a hill, from some places you can get quite a good view of the surrounding area. Most of the tourists coming down to the rest of Cornwall just drive right past it on the A30, leaving the local economy to rot, and there are plenty of addicts and chavs, but at least it's not Bodmin.

"Come on down to Launceston town everyone!"

Person 1:"What's that town we just drove past?
Person 2:"Oh that's just Launceston"

by Reggie the edgy veggie December 9, 2017

13👍 1👎

0800 00 1066

Words cannot adequately describe the total and unstoppable terror that fills the soul of any sane person upon noticing this number under a call screen. It's not a matter of IF the gull will come for you, but WHEN. Many a fool has tried to cheat their fate. Some have taken to avoiding all phones for as long as they live. Others have chosen to end their lives, quickly and on their own terms. But all is futile, as this will only make it turn to your loved ones. The best one can hope for is a prolonged and agonising death. Those it abducts are far less fortunate. For your own sake, under NO circumstances utter its summoning phrase.

Haha what a funny ad, oh eight hundred dou-
(horrifying screaming and dismembering sounds)

Oh my phone's ringing
(sees caller is 0800 00 1066)
May God have mercy upon us

by Reggie the edgy veggie January 26, 2022


The value of a base, for which an exponential and logarithmic function will touch exactly once, at (e,e).

Professor: What is the value of the single-solution function and derivative simultaneous inverse problem for the level 3 arithmetic operator?
Student: It's e^(1/e)

by Reggie the edgy veggie January 26, 2022