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Morissettian irony

Something that is ironic only by virtue of the fact that it is considered ironic when it is in fact, not; when an event is in fact a coincidence but instead is passed off as irony.

The fact that it rained on your wedding day is Morissettian irony, because you thought it was ironic, but it really wasn't.

by RehabbedMacAddict July 16, 2006

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income-based medicine

n. A style of treating patients implicitly based on their social and financial status (be it by quality or lack of insurance, etc.).

ant. outcome-based medicine, of which this term is a parody.

When I was in the ER, I didn't have proof of insurance on me, so they asked me to make a deposit of $100... as if it were income-based medicine or something!

by RehabbedMacAddict March 19, 2009


n. The condition of having way too many instant messenger screen names, generally under one IM service (e.g., AIM).

A disturbing trend is that newer IM client programs seem to be encouraging polyscreenomia by allowing multiple simultaneous connections with different screen names to AIM. This has been leading to extensive confusion and even fraud amongst IM users.

by RehabbedMacAddict February 2, 2009


n; adj; adv.

An individual who, upon entering college, tries to do every single extracurricular activity s/he did while in high school, possibly also joining a fraternity/sorority, while still attempting to maintain their high school GPA and academic aura. Portmanteau word of frosh (slang for freshman) combined with the term manic.

c.f. froshmania, the general concept of being freshmanic.

The second the semester started, I got all froshmanic and signed up for Model UN, trivia club, pledged Sigma Epsilon Xi, decided to join the drama club, and took a bunch of sophomore-level courses.

by RehabbedMacAddict February 24, 2009

mile-high clubbing

v. The act of having sex in or around Denver, Colorado, USA, a city which is approximately 5280 feet (1 mile; 1.6km) above sea level, and is known as the "Mile-High City". Bonus points if the sex involved an actual dance club in Denver.

n. mile-high club
The group of people who have had sex as defined above.

I can't believe I lost my virginity through mile-high clubbing the other night!

by RehabbedMacAddict February 11, 2009

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first person filming

n. ger. Filming such that the video result looks as if it were done through the eyes of the person filming it.

We used first person filming in a tribute movie to the Exies for their new album -- it made the project pretty damn hard.

by RehabbedMacAddict July 18, 2009

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adj. Describing very moderate, sensible views, socially progressive and fiscally conservative, as well as those who hold such views.

etym. Pun on the word "bipartisan", and named after the moderate Democrat Evan Bayh, former Indiana governor and current Indiana senator.

Vice President Joe Biden seems to be fairly Bayhpartisan given his moderate and sensible views on several issues. This is probably why President Barack Obama selected him as his running mate in 2008.

by RehabbedMacAddict November 3, 2009

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