Source Code


Hacker shorthand for lexical analyzer, the input-tokenizing stage in the parser for a language.

“Some C lexers get confused by the old-style compound ops like =-.”

by Rei January 29, 2004

18👍 3👎


A person who uses "big words" to impress people, insists on being politically-correct all the time, constantly bitches about "the system", and thinks they're gods among men because they're atheist.

"Billy is such a pseudo-intellectual; he thinks he has to take American Government I this year because the school board's trying to brainwash him."

by Rei August 23, 2003

845👍 326👎


Unfair or unlawful, not cool.

Man, we had a wicked hard pop quiz, that is so jenk.

by Rei September 15, 2004

68👍 250👎


Living a life of extreme wealth and flaunting it. Sadly enough, young people from not so wealthy families think its cool to blow off thousands of dollars on jewlry and clothes instead of trying to move out of the ghetto and finding a better way of life.

lil' joe is ballin' wit dat phat gold chain and ice.(too bad he spent all of his momma's hidden stash buying it).

by Rei February 21, 2005

1851👍 834👎


Strawberry means kiss. The normal kiss not french-kissing.


1. Can I strawberry you? Can I kiss you?


1. I've strawberried. I've been kissed

by Rei March 12, 2005

17👍 69👎


the better alternative to the now boring and overused LOL.

Oh my god I laughed out loud!!!!

by Rei November 17, 2004

6👍 13👎


A Cruel, Ironic, Bitch-Goddess.

Everyone's lives are controlled by Fate. This is why they suck ass.

by Rei April 28, 2004

9👍 23👎