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A sweet and handsome guy most people would see an asshole or cheater he's no cheater but because of his looks he tends to attract many women and he my not feel for them but might lead them on. When he gets in a relationship he's always thinking about that person and will make them feel like the universe. He loves his family and loves to mess with them he has a lovely personality 💖💖💖💖💖

Girl1: He's such an ass!
GF:No! He's such an sweetheart ❤️.
Cj little sis:No, He's such an cejay

by Ren🥺 November 6, 2019

9👍 4👎


Paloma is one of the best friends you could ever ask God for!!! She is the most loving, sweet, funny, and beautiful girl I've ever met and I love her more than anything and I would do anything for her and I hope she knows that I will always be there for her and I love her!

Me:I love you!!!

Paloma:I love you too

by Ren🥺 March 8, 2020

64👍 2👎