Source Code


Little Jimmy Urine Married A Young Lady Known as Pistachio Nut. Pistachio Nut got knocked up by Jimmy and had a daughter known as Miss Urine. Pistachio Nut and Jimmy Urine are separated and by the Year 2005 Pistachio Nut will be Miss H.

MissUrine is such a little fag!

by Renee' July 16, 2004

3👍 25👎


to be lookin' at someone too much. like starin' at them. or lookin' too hard at sum one.

why is this boy grittin' me??

by Renee' February 19, 2005

66👍 15👎


bamfligga is word you use when excited

when someone sticks a finger in your butthole.

by Renee' January 31, 2005

3👍 10👎