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someone who is different from everybody else, but that's okay because they're being themselves and they aren't like the fake bitches you see these days

It's okay to be a weirdo
And if someone tells you otherwise...
Tell them to shove a cactus up there ass

by Retardeling January 18, 2015

1674👍 158👎

loose pussy

apparently something that does not give a man sexual pleasure because most men prefer 'tight pussies' but hey who am i to judge? :)

but one thing people should know is: when a female has a loose pussy, she is actually aroused by you and she is enjoying the sexual experience you are giving her (although, you as a man, are probably not enjoying it).

when a female has a tight pussy, that means the female is unaroused and is probably not enjoying the sexual experience you are giving her

that's right, a female develops a loose pussy when she is sexually aroused by your dumb ass . do you really want to make a woman feel bad for being sexually attracted to you? i don't think so.

by Retardeling July 14, 2016

339👍 148👎

College Board

A monopolistic institution filled with a bunch of greedy motherfuckers whose main goal is to work closely with colleges and universities and gang bang you and your family for every fucking penny you got.

You may know College Board as:
1. The group of evil motherfuckers that make you take a $75 dollar one-size-fits-all test that you can't even properly prepare for no matter how much studying or tutoring you get (SAT)

2. The wicked proprietors of the AP Exam who make you pay $95 to take the damn thing and drill the material THEY want you to know into your head and hope you can retain it until May, only to find out you got a fucking 2 or 3 on the exam after all that 'studying' and' learning'.

3. An institution that decoy themselves as the CSS Profile who want you and your parents to put out your entire fucking financial and tax history from the beginning of time just so they can look it over with your top schools to see if your worthy of admittance, or, and if your lucky enough, a fucking scholarship. They claim they are trying to 'help you' but they are just signing you up for even more fuckery.

4. The devil incarnate

Person 1:"Why should I pay these College Board motherfuckers for a test that schools will just throw into the scrap heap as well as my AP exam and {potentially} give me a scholarship that will barely pay for a portion of my tuition?"

Person 2: "That's just apart of the College Board process man."

Person 1: "Fuck this shit."

by Retardeling December 23, 2018

26👍 5👎