Source Code


The ultimate and infinite man, with as close to infinite strength, alphaness, and manliness as can possibly be measured (as of 2022, the date of the addition of the quetta prefix to the metric system). The one chad of ALL chads. Having 10^21, or 1 sextillion times as much chadliness as the gigachad, the quettachad is the chad of the most possible chadliness of all chads in both existence and nonexistence.

See the metric system prefixes for a list of chadliness measurements.

Matthew is so hot. He's a gigachad. NO. A terachad. NO. a ronnachad. NO!! A quettachad!

by Rhombicosidodecahedron July 9, 2023

Rhombic Theory of Rizz Deprecation

A theory written by Rhombicosidodecahedron stating that:

If one is to attempt to obtain an addition of rizz to a current value of rizz, which is an addition of great magnitude within a time period of minuscule duration, he shall retain his current rizz and shall not gain any but an addition of magnitude whose value shall be lowered, while also becoming subject to ridicule and chastisement which shall cause the deprecation of the magnitude of the intended addition of rizz.

Bob: Imma come to school tomorrow with some gucci clothes and a new rizzful haircut and also some white shiny teeth and cologne and imma get all them girls
Joe: that's too sudden of a change. You should follow the Rhombic Theory of Rizz Deprecation which essentially says if you try to make such a sudden and dramatic increase in your rizz you will look bad
Bob: that's a shame

by Rhombicosidodecahedron September 4, 2023


The ultimate man, with nearly infinite alphaness and manliness. The chad of chads. Having 10^18, or 1 quintillion times as much chadliness as the gigachad, the ronnachad is the chad of the second most possible chadliness of all chads in both existence and . . . well . . . even nonexistence.

Oh, Matthew is so hot. He's the ultimate gigachad. NO. Terachad. NO. Zettachad. NO!... Ronnachad!

by Rhombicosidodecahedron July 6, 2023


what we've all thought of the first time we've ever read that one other word...

Bob: hey I gotta go wash my condo
Joe: no you don't, your condominium is clean already
Bob: you're so cute

by Rhombicosidodecahedron June 17, 2023


When two partners misuse their food holes by mashing them together for inexplicable arousal. It's not for that. Just think of all the bacteria and foreign DNA being transferred through those tongues if you really get into it.

Jane and Joe: *intense, forceful kissing*
Bob: stop. stop transferring saliva. stop misusing your food holes... you know, the ones you shove pizza and hot wings into. quit your sickening oral arousal affair and go touch grass.

by Rhombicosidodecahedron July 30, 2023

Star glitcher

A public and open-source subcategory of "glitchers", or scripts in Roblox that typically feature switchable appearances tied to the keyboard, which each have their own wing attachments and style, pose animations, theme colors, theme song, name (appearing above the character's head), and "magic" attacks and abilities. The star glitcher is the first version of the glitcher, using the most basic animations and visual effects and having only a few thousand lines of code in total. This became a minor trend in the late 2010's, leading to many edits and versions of the glitcher, some of which having nearly a hundred thousand lines of code in total.

Some versions of the star glitcher and other glitchers are of high quality, some look like shart, and some are just code stolen by skids who claim them as their own.

This skid on roblox stole star glitcher and renamed it the moon glitcher. I'm banning him from all my games.

by Rhombicosidodecahedron July 9, 2023

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