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A hot girl that is much younger than the middle age guy she is dating.

"Man, nadia is so fine". "Whats you problem dude, you like all those hoodsies. You got to date girls your own age".

by Richie Pimental February 11, 2009

45πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Obama Dollars

Borrowed stimulus dollars, pumped into the economy by the Obama administration, that predatory institutions, companies and individuals are eyeing like a piece of rare steak. The institutions, companies and individuals that caused the global economic melt down are changing their focus to benefit from these Obama Dollars.

"My job in finance evaporated when the regulators came into Merrill Lynch and found out just how greedy and predatory we had been over the last decade. Its no problem, I safely invested my bonus money over the last three years because I knew the game would be over soon. I am going to take that money and start a company which will capitalize on Obama Dollars. Maybe something in the energy field. Once I meet with my Rep and Senator I will let you know the best area to move the money into".

by Richie Pimental March 13, 2009

186πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž

hoodless cobra

A circumcised penis.

Janis is great, she loves the hoodless cobra.

by Richie Pimental November 12, 2009

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

its a bad question

A girl you just met asks you a question regarding who else you are sleeping because she wants the relationship to be exclusive and is insecure. The question is inappropriate and very uncomfortable. You do not want to tell tell the truth and blow you chances of sleeping with her. You want to make her even more insecure with your answer.

So Mark, who are you still sleeping with. Its a bad question.

by Richie Pimental April 23, 2008

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

its not a tumor

A girl is giving you head and gaging. You grab her hair and push her head down and say "its not a tumor"

Keep going baby, its not a tumor.

by Richie Pimental April 23, 2008

6πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Spicy Pea

A 20 something female friend of a middle age guy. It is explicit that they are just friends. However, their is still some pimp'n going on, but just inside the line of good taste. He pays, she gets dressed up in big girl clothes, and they hand out in hot night clubs all weekend in NY, LA, Miami, Montreal to bump and grind.

"Hey spicy pea aint seen you in months. Lets goto da club with all our peeps and rip it up". "Sounds great daddy. Should I wear the CFM boots and skirt"?

by Richie Pimental February 11, 2009


The singular of ruckus. Making a problem with just one person in the crew.

"Amanda was out of control with her bad attitude, but no one else in the group seemed to have a problem with her". "Yea man, it was a real ruckai".

by Richie Pimental February 12, 2009