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a japanese super hero who withholds the power of soy

show me, show you, kikkoman!! allright!

by Rik January 23, 2003

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


guy or like some guys say: gay

A weird guy living in Den Ham City, trying to own in a game called CS but don't succeed. He is just a big n00b.

by Rik December 21, 2004

12πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

bullwinkle surprise

For Males Only

When receiving oral sex, tap your pleasurer on the shoulder to get her attention. Then you should touch your thumbs to your head and spread your fingers like moose antlers and make any strange noise. Then, punch her in the face.

Dude, check out that chick. She's totally bullwinkle surprise material.

by Rik January 6, 2004

50πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A drinking game for the boys. Involves two pong games going on simultaneously on two tables shaped like a hammerhead. One table is straight and the other table is faced sideways connected to the first table. The game that involves the long table involves cups 4-3-2-1 and is 2v2. The short table is 1v1 and has cups 3-2-1. One team from long game and short game are on same team. First team to eliminate all cups wins.

The boys played hammerhead last night. They were super ducked up.

by Rik April 23, 2017

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A viscous carniverous cannibalistic rodent that may or may not live in the deep dense jungles of Sudan. Mostly seen at night, and only seen by it's prey (other bagets). Believed by some to be closely related to the Cheat. though those people are clearly morons.

I have been searching these jungles for a baget for many years but have yet to sight one.

by Rik April 7, 2004

12πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Also means on the level...when a ship is said to be Yar, she's perfectly loaded and level from stem to stern and port to starboard.

Aye, the old girls yar lads so let's cast off and be on with it

by Rik June 22, 2004

323πŸ‘ 182πŸ‘Ž


the name of a bagel which oddly resembles knuckles the echidna

hello dooshabagel

by Rik January 23, 2003

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž