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Leave it to Beaver Syndrome

When the previously cute child cast members of a television sitcom begin to go through puberty, thus robbing them of many of the traits that made them appealing in the first place.

The definitive example is when Jerry Mathers on the 1950s sitcom "Leave it to Beaver" went from adorable child to awkward, gangly teenager over the course of several seasons.

On the current (fifth) season of "Modern Family" the actor who plays Luke is going through puberty. His voice is changing and he's gotten to be really odd looking. Meanwhile, the breasts of the actress playing his middle sister have grown at an alarming rate. It's gotten difficult to buy her as a high school student. They used to both be such cute kids. The show is clearly suffering from "Leave it to Beaver Syndrome."

by Robert Sacamano October 17, 2013

41πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The pulsating movements your dogҀ™s anus makes when he or she is about to defecate.

Person A: Are you sure Max still needs to go?

Person B: Yes. HeҀ™s displaying a lot of Γ’Β€ΒœasstivityҀ back there. HeҀ™s going to poop any second now.

by Robert Sacamano November 19, 2020

Forrest Hump

When someone has sex with a mentally challenged person, largely out of pity or mercy.

Anna: I can't believe Becky had sex with a guy from the special ed class.

Carla: I know. That was a total "Forrest Hump."

by Robert Sacamano October 11, 2013

70πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The process by which an adult male gradually gets his masculinity back after an extended period of being emasculated by the women in his life.

Guy A: I'm so glad John is coming with us to Vegas this weekend. Since he got married five years ago he hasn't been on a guys weekend.

Guy B: Totally agree. The man is in need of some serious "Rehaballitation."

by Robert Sacamano November 14, 2016

Designated Shitter

When a men's bathroom stall in a high traffic restroom is assigned for shitting only.

In order to prevent patrons from urinating on the toilet seat, we are making the first stall in our men's room a 'designated shitter.'

by Robert Sacamano November 18, 2014

52πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An ESP like sixth sense where one is able to accurately determine if a dirty, lazy, poorly dressed individual is either a hipster or a transient.

Through "transience," Laura was able to determine that the disheveled gentleman in line at the coffee shop was in fact just a hipster, not a transient.

by Robert Sacamano November 7, 2013

34πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Big Ben

A sexual act where a man (or woman) engages in fisting with their partner while wearing a wrist-watch.

Steve lost his Rolex inside of Diane while performing a Big Ben on her.

by Robert Sacamano September 28, 2012

92πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž