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Progressing slowly, by degrees.

Weeks slipped by and her body gradually healed.

by Widney Coma December 24, 2018

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To take longer than the accustomed time to graduate from school (gradually graduate) - either from being held back or taking less than the recommended credit courses. i.e. taking 6 years to go through high school or get a B.A. drgree.

Todd is only taking 6 semester hours this term. At that rate, he should gradualate in about 8 years.

by debodun March 16, 2009

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Gradually watermelon

by Malinda Kathleen Reese in her video Google Translate Sings: Shape of you

she says Gradually watermelon oh me oh my oh me oh my go check her out by searching gradually watermelon on youtube

oh me oh my gradually watermelon

by A random person making this September 17, 2020

Gradually Watermelon

This is what you get when you put Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran through google translate... Fame, fortune and a whole lot of ten year olds singing "Gradually Watermelon" over and over again at the top of their lungs.

Kid 1: Did you see the new shirt that Malinda Kathleen Reese released yesterday?

Kid 2: Ya! Last time she sold the gradually watermelon shirt my parents told me they wouldn't buy it, but now I have a job!

Kid 3(me): I heard about that! I wish I had a job so I could buy it in the re-release...

by AudOdd3 February 26, 2021

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Gradual Slope

A racial slur referring to a person of both Asian and Caucasian ethnic background.

Guy 1 "Wow, that Asian girl is super hot!"

Guy 2 "I think if you look closer son, you will find that fine creature is a Gradual Slope"

by Sandiego Gammel February 11, 2010

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Gradual Report

Daniel Grozdich The creator of the one of the most funny YOUTUBE shows on Youtube.com



"Haha...Danny is hilarious! He makes me laugh every time i watch his videos on youtube!!"

"You should check out the gradual report!"

by Zachary JonesJonesJones August 26, 2008

148๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gradual Report

The most awesome news report ever, hosted by danny, most people watch him on youtube or on his website. One of his more well known projects is his douche nozzle project, in which he tried to deliver somewhere around 350 douche nozzles to the president of the united states. its a funny thing to watch every weekday, go check it out

Mike: The Gradual Report is one of the greatest things on youtube I've seen so far!
Jim: I know! Hes much better than you

by gwrarfaggotman March 26, 2008

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