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Those 32 year old fucks who sit around and play "Five Nights at Freddy's" all day. Its a good game, but, Jesus, take a break.

"Bill, I think you might be a Fnafaholic. You've been playing that damn game for 17 days straight."

by Rocketjet May 13, 2015

33👍 6👎

Tweaky Twinkie

Asian drug dealer

"Tweaky Twinkies often hide drugs under their pointy hats" - Dr. Suess

by Rocketjet May 13, 2015

12👍 2👎


That one kid who stays quiet all day and then reminds the teacher about homework.

Aksosamiskominopotasohusiumdangitloseromesenses (AMKDLS for short) have a tendency to sit alone or in a small group. They are not people, they walk this Earth simply to piss off others with their love of school and work.

by Rocketjet May 13, 2015