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Rogelio is a strong tall serious guy. He gets along with people really easily. If you look at him he’ll look very serious and scary but once you get to know him he is playful,jokes and cool majority of the times. When things get serious he’ll be a type to try to calm the situation down because he knows how uncontrollable he will get once he let something get to him. Rogelio loves dogs and loves a big family,he will give his life for his wife and kids. Rogelio loves to be very childish with kids and plays to mi h with them. Rogelio is a type you don’t really wanna mess with because he will go I repeat will go 0 to 100 very quick. There’s a lot of guys who play the tough guy role but Rogelio is really about it especially when family is involved. Rogelio is a type you can trust around you and will ride for you if you in some altercation when he around one of you.


by Rog-elio November 23, 2021