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Circlejerk term used by groups of single girls to inflate their own egos and pretend that they're special.

If you're called a 'queen' by another girl, it's intended as a compliment, but what it really means is that you're a prickly punk ass bitch who thinks that her being single somehow makes her more empowered or relevant.

The cesspool of girls who use the term actively are generally in high school and expect everybody to have respect for them despite frequently make pointed or rude remarks.

Boy #1: Bro Mary is fine as hell
Boy #2: All the girls call her 'queen'
Boy #1: Nevermind she mid asf

by RollyPolly657 September 12, 2022


Formerly the 'party of the working class,' now just a group of corrupt elitist scumbags running the U.S. government. Well-known for wanting to raise taxes, degrade white people, open the borders, release criminals, support domestic terrorism, expand the government, and get rich doing it.

Person 1: Our current president is a Democrat!

Person 2: Yeah, I heard he likes ice cream more than running the country!

by RollyPolly657 May 4, 2022

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Generally attributed to men. 'To pull' means attracting a member of the opposite sex successfully to the extent that you are able to date the person and presumably make out with them or engage in sex at some point in the future.

If you 'pull' somebody, they are intensely attracted to you as well.

Sarah: What's the deal with Lizzie?
Mary: I heard she made out with John after the football game yesterday!
Sarah: Yeah, he pulled her.

by RollyPolly657 May 4, 2022

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Tim Walz

The vice presidential running mate of Cackling Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. He fell out of a coconut tree and hit his head in the process, resulting in him becoming governor of Minnesota. During his tenure, he has supported socialism, refused to deal with dangerous rioters, put tampons in boys' bathrooms, lied about his military record repeatedly, opened a hotline to report neighbors for violating social distancing during covid.

In spite of all of these things, he has the audacity to be a faux moderate politician and 'midwestern dad'. He and his presidential running mate have the temerity to give no serious or detailed outline of the policies they endorse or support.

Katie: "Who's that guy Tim Walz?"

Carl: "Imagine Fidel Castro if he pretended to be a moderate politician."

by RollyPolly657 August 16, 2024

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The biggest waste of time on the planet. It sucks up taxpayer dollars, time, sleep, happiness, and your childhood, and outputs bullies, drugs, and homework. You are taken there by a yellow monstrosity known as a bus, and are forced to sit patiently as it picks up other kids. The majority of these 'kids' are morons who play loud music, yell and cuss, talk about sex, throw trash, disrespect authority, pretend to be tough, and eat hot cheetos. With such 'powerful' people on the bus, you will somehow end up getting harassed and picked on. It is virtually impossible to do homework, study, sleep, relax, or focus on anything outside of blankly staring ahead wishing you were somewhere else. Once you are off the bus, you enter into your school where your ass begins to develop lumps of what look like malign cancer due to sitting in a hard, plastic chair all day. After several periods in hell, you get to arrive at the cafeteria, where you can enjoy half-cooked frozen food that looks like it was taken straight out of a swamp and put in the microwave for half an hour. If you trip and spill food on yourself, consider your high-school career over. Skills that could easily be picked up by a robot are instead thrown as responsibilities onto you so that instead of doing something valuable with your time, you can be learning quadratic formulas from Sal Khan. In conclusion, school was the combined vision of Satan and the American education system.

Tom: How is school here?
Mike: Just imagine hell and education were fused together by a Karen.

by RollyPolly657 January 12, 2021


Almost exclusively used in modern culture to describe a person who is promiscuous about their sex life. Although many hoes view being sexually open as a central part of their personality, some will occasionally be embarrassed or merely uninterested in discussing or being known for their sex life.

The term is almost always used to describe a woman, though itҀ™s occasionally used to describe a man.

James: I had sex with Christina last night
John: Bro, Mark and I have both done it with her
James: SheҀ™s such a hoe, dude

by RollyPolly657 May 31, 2022


Getting curved: like a rejection, but way worse.

Most of the time a girl does it to a guy, but it can happen the other way too. Basically the person gives you a strong sense that they like you by sending all of the 'common signals' (laughing, twirling hair, eye contact, etc...) Then when you ask them out, they say no and frequently make fun of you.

A lot of the time, popular girls do this for fun because hurting people's feelings is now considered a legitimate pastime in our corroded society.

Noun or past-tense form for 'curve'

See also: bitch

John: I thought Rebecca liked me bro.

Mike: What, you got rejected?

John: She kept glancing at me so I thought she liked me.

Mike: Oh I see. You got curved.

by RollyPolly657 April 16, 2022

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