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Road Crew

A group of shady men in beige trenchcoats and tall fedoras who carry stop signs, but appear to be doing nothing. Only other road crew workers are allowed to pass by them, and any information on the Milkman is strictly confidential to the group.

I am on the Road Crew. This is my stop sign!

by Roonil_Wazlib January 16, 2011

7👍 1👎

Honk honk

A sound to affirm just how insane and clownish the world has been lately.

"A congressman said with a straight face that "clown world" is a Nazi dogwhistle."

"Honk honk indeed!"

by Roonil_Wazlib February 22, 2022

22👍 21👎


A unit in Civilization that can beat a tank by fortifying himself on a mountain while he has veteran status.

Spearman Beats Tank.

by Roonil_Wazlib May 8, 2010

21👍 11👎


1. Bureau of Land Management. A federal department not to be confused with the organization below.

2. Black Lives Matter, what said organization merely claims to do in public.

3. Buyers of Large Mansions, what people in the organization actually are, since they don't care about the welfare of the oppressed.

Person 1: "I'm going to give money to BLM!"

Person 2: "Are you nuts? They don't give a damn about the ghettos. The founder bought a $6 mil mansion in Beverly Hills!"

Person 1: "No, no. I mean the Bureau of Land Management!"

Person 2: "Oh. Well don't you pay for them through taxes anyway?"

by Roonil_Wazlib August 3, 2022

9👍 10👎