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Mountain German

The Swiss. A person of Swiss descent, or a citizen of the Swiss Confederation. So named due to the prominence of Switzerland's mountains.

"This new Swiss Army knife is bad-ass. Them Mountain Germans make some good stuff."

by RoundenBrown July 13, 2014

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Oat and aboat

Canadian for "out and about."

I am currently oat and aboat in Edmonton.

by RoundenBrown February 5, 2010

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Noun. A person who admires Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia. Views usually include accusing Ukrainians and Americans of being evil homosexual Nazis who want to commit genocide against the pure, heterosexual Russian race, and saying that Crimea is a part of Russia.

"Did you hear Orville yesterday saying how evil Ukrainians are? He's such a Putinphile!"

by RoundenBrown August 28, 2015

27πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A woman who has nice boobs, ass, and pretty face.

She's the trifecta.

by RoundenBrown November 2, 2021


Cute, but not hot.

Guy 1: See that girl?
Guy 2: Yeah.
Guy 1: She's CBNH.

by RoundenBrown November 7, 2018

doomb coont

"Dumb cunt" pronounced in a thick Northern English accent.

"Listen, you doomb coont!"

by RoundenBrown June 2, 2017

Pink supremacy

Racist domination by British people.

The UK is run by pink supremacy.

by RoundenBrown July 8, 2019

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