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(n.) A pair of leggings that contours and outlines all your lady parts in an unflattering fashion.

Valerie's vaggings were so tight, we could see her uterus.

by RunDMT February 16, 2018

3👍 2👎

Mama Karma

When you swear your child(ren) never behaved in a certain way and then an opportunity presents itself with your child exhibiting a behavior proving you wrong.

Whenever you criticize another parent's parenting style or a child's negative behavior, the universe will send you a message to keep your comments to yourself with your child demonstrating a similar behavior but only much worse.

I swore that my child would never throw temper tantrums in pubic, but today she threw herself on the ground and screamed until I bought her the toy she wanted. Mama Karma strikes again!

by RunDMT July 16, 2010

5👍 3👎