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The shortened version of Clutch or Kick. Mainly used in CSGO, if you fail to C.O.K you will likely loose respect of your teammates and get kicked.

CT 1: Dude, you're the last one left. C.O.K.
CT 2: Alright man, I got you.

by Ruoid September 18, 2021


1. A female body shape in which they have a large ass, small waist, and small/normal breasts.

2. A stupid person - bellend.

1. "I don't care about breast size. That's why my girl's a bell."

2. "He didn't turn off the stove. What a bell."

by Ruoid November 30, 2021

18👍 5👎

twitch purge

Referring to when on Twitch streamer JSchlatt banned all DSMP related Twitch accounts from his stream as a return to the platform.

Glad I didn't get caught up in JSchlatt's Twitch purge!

by Ruoid January 8, 2022