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triple decker

The standard residence of off campus college students in Worcester, MA. Also home to prostitutes, drug lords, and other low income residents.

In Worcester, triple deckers are consistently home to spiral staircases and sliding windows in the back stairwell.

Most college parties in Worcester that do not happen at a fraternity will happen in a triple decker. Larger parties will happen on more than one floor of the same triple decker.

We're going to the triple decker on Goulding Street for the "White Trash Party"

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

43👍 21👎


The holy grail of gay mens clothing.

"The 1MX Shirts at Express for men are wicked expensive, but I buy them anyway because I'm gay."

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

65👍 247👎


short for Long Island Rail Road

The commuter rail of Long Island. It is larger in number of track miles, trains, stations, employees, and revenue than any other commuter rail in the nation.

Long Island Rail Road, going your way.

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

44👍 123👎

Ho Fos

Short for Honey Farms, a convenience store in New England.

Also known as:
Ho Farms
H Farms

I'm off to Ho Fos for some Snapple.

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

6👍 2👎


A weather pattern in Worcester, MA, similar to garbage storms.

Worcestering occurs at tempratures between 15 and 45 degrees farenheit. The sky is gray and overcast like England. It bounces back and forth between rain and snow and high winds are usually involved.

It's Worcestering out, better bring your umbrella/snow boots/rain coat.

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

23👍 8👎


A gay-ho.

He's kissed three guys? What a gho!

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

5👍 19👎

Crush Phase

The first two-three months of a relationship in which both participants can not stand to be seperated from each other for periods longer than eight hours.

People suffering from the Crush Phase will often share every detail of the blossoming physical relationship they are a part of. Similarly, people around the victims of the Crush Phase will know how long it's been since last the couple has spoken, saw each other, and made out.

Laura and Mike need to get over their crush phase.

by Rushmore June 14, 2004

15👍 6👎