Source Code

Pullin a Hank

When you rail lines of cocaine and your nose sounds similar to a snorting french bulldog named Hank.

Holy fuck boys! Last night I was pullin a Hank! I was railing nose beers off a dirty hookers ass. I need another fucking nose beer! Come over here flat head!

by SBLD-enthusiast November 21, 2019


SBLD Stands for Short Body Long Dick. Basically a dude that is short but has a huuuge hammer on him. The biggest. Usually fucks anyone he looks at. Kill count is almost always above 100.

Holy shit! That guy has a SBLD! Such a huuuuuuuge hammer on the lad. I bet he fucks so many broads. Jealous bro...

by SBLD-enthusiast November 26, 2018

Fist Deep Henny

When your name is Henry and you go fist deep into some stripper booty hole at the strip club. We call this man "Fist Deep Henny"... or FDH for short. This man will often blow thousands of dollars on strippers without hesitation. Strippers will refer to him directly as FDH.

"Ohhh.. If henny isn't fist deep into some ting tonight I'm not coming out... I wanna see Fist Deep Henny tonight!!!" - Steve

by SBLD-enthusiast November 27, 2018