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Case of the sams

Having a case of the sams means that when someone buys a new computer game they are addicted to they will give up their life for a number of days to play that game.

Jim: Where's Tom he hasn't been in school for the past three days?

Frank: I dont know, but I heard he got the new Halo at the weekend.

Jim: Ah! he must have a case of the sams.

by SJolly7 March 31, 2009

22👍 9👎

a Fergie

To do a Fergie is when feeling a girls breasts to ease the tension or to break an awkward silence by saying the exact quote, "These are class" followed by, "If I had a pair of these; I'd play with them all day!"

Peter: Did you hear what Steve said at the weekend?

Robert: Yeah, I heard he done a Fergie!

by SJolly7 June 14, 2009

30👍 4👎