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SNARL Spouse Syndrome

This term is used to describe a spouse or significant other who claims to have boarded the "anti-fostering train", but is then often caught loving on and sneaking snuggles with the SNARL foster.

My husband has SNARL Spouse Syndrome. He acts like he doesn’t want to foster anymore animals, until I bring one home and I find him snuggling with it.

by SNARLLV February 27, 2022

SNARL Spouse Syndrome

This term is used to describe a spouse or significant other who claims to have boarded the "anti-fostering train", but is then often caught loving on and sneaking snuggles with the SNARL foster.

My husband has SNARL Spouse Syndrome when it comes to fostering more animals.

by SNARLLV February 27, 2022