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1. When someone get filled with fear that they actually cum.
2. When someone is very scared as if they are in the most climactic moment of fear that you smell humanitarian feckle matter in the atmosphere.

1. That Vietnamese kid with the glasses had such a is having such a feargasm man.

by Sahara Desert December 31, 2009

41πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

12 O' Clock

1.the middle of the day or night
2.a type of clock where the direction that you face becomes 12 O'clock.it is usually used to secretely point out the location of a hot girl, or anything of that sort.

Example 1.
dude 1. yo what time is it?
dude 2. its 12 O' Clock
dude 1. Which one?
Dude 2. in the afternoon.
dude 1. Word?
Example 2.
JO. yo there is a chick over there with nice tigobigees
Me. where?
Jo. 12 O'Clock
me. Sweeeet

by Sahara Desert December 17, 2008

48πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A town in Upstate NY. It is a very crumby town. It is very diverse and it has a great park avenue. The girls here suck. Most of the hot ones come from suburbs like Greece, Pittsford, and East Roshester. Anyways there is a lot of violence in the cut ecspecially in the east and west side. The east side has a lot of bad latino gangs that harass people and they are known for selling drugs and stealing parts from local hondas. They usually sell them back to you painted because they are good painters. On the west side there are a lot of African American and Vietnamese gangs. The worst African Americans are located on the Dewey ave. region from what I have heard. They are known for their ruthless ways. They sell drugs but the Latino's are much more efficient. They are also known for their crappy old cars riding on 22's. Also dont get in the way of their chicken dish becuase they will defend their chicken at all costs ecspecially when they are tuning into "crunk music". The Vietnamese are located on the west side also. They sell drugs ecspecially ecstacy. That is why they have twin turbo 350z's and Infiniti's at such a young age. The white people are known for their prostitution rings. It is true the Lyell ave. region is flooded with prostitutes looking for an easy buck. Other than that it is an okay town.

Person 1: Dude what should we do for Spring Break?
Person 2. I have a buddy from Rochester he can hook us up with that pill.
Person 1: Really? Sweet! Is Rochester better that Syracuse.
Person 2: Hell yeah! They have the Rochester Rhyno's and the Buffalo Bills camp not to mention the Rochester Plate.
Person 1. Cool sounds like a plan. Let depart for Rochester in the Morning before this Vicodin kicks in.
Person 2. Dude are you alright? Dude! Dude! BILLY NO!!!

by Sahara Desert December 23, 2008

85πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


1.to make one angry specialy by bitching and not Shuting the fuck up.
2. to be made uncomfrotable becuase of a rash thats itchy because your dirty.

Example 1.
dude 1. wtf is wrong with jerry?
dude 2. he is angry cuase his boss irritated the fuck out of him earlier.
Example 2.
chick 1. like what are you doing?
Chick 2. i like have this rash thats irritating me and.
Chick 1. like ewwww you have aids.

by Sahara Desert December 17, 2008

70πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


1. to get on someones nerves by unwanted behavior.
2. to make mad by bitching.

1. Boss is trying to Annoy her by asking for her number many times

2. she annoys the fuck outa me with her yapping.

by Sahara Desert December 23, 2008

127πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


the dirtiest part of literature often used in school

when students read books in school, they often avoid the english part of it.

by Sahara Desert December 3, 2008

59πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


1. a foreign type of currency that is equivelant to the U.S.A Quarter Dollar(25 cent)
2. a word that can be used to substitute bulshitt

1. lolipops at a convient store, cost about a Shilling now adays.

2. stop all these lies, its total Shilling.

by Sahara Desert December 30, 2009

124πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž