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A small, wealthy, conservative, suburb of Rochester, NY. Defies the typical "Upstate" stereotype, the town is very safe and upper-class; the people are mostly doctors/surgeons, lawyers or successful businessmen and their wives are known as P.H.W.'s or Pittsford House Wives (rich women who don't work, they are in book clubs, gourmet clubs, 'twig' and play golf, tennis and paddle tennis at their Country Clubs while their kids are at school). A little over 27,000 people live in Pittsford and 99% of them are Caucasian, majority of them drive cars over $50,000, belong to one of the 7 private Country Clubs in the town and have lake houses on Ontario Lake or one of the Finger Lakes. Pittsford kids (Sutherland & Mendon- both in Newsweek's 100 Top High Schools in America) are known as "rich bitches" by other towns in Rochester and they are basically poster children for Polo, Lacoste and Abercrombie & Fitch. Pittsford has a historic, quaint, upscale village right on the Erie Canal and there are many unique, privately- run boutiques and restaraunts in the village especially on Schoen Place. Pittsford is listed as one of 'Best Places to Live in the Country' by CNN and the town is one of the wealthiest in the nation.

Pittsford is the nicest suburb in the ROC and Upstate New York.

If you are from Pittsford you know Wegman's, Canal Park, Embankment, Mendon Pond's Park (Devil's Bathtub), The Getty, Pontillo's Pizza, Garbage Plates, Country Sweet, White Hots and Genny Light.

by Pittsfordian May 27, 2006

451๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small, wealthy, conservative, suburb of Rochester, NY. Defies the typical "Upstate" stereotype, the town is very safe and upper-class; the people are mostly doctors/surgeons, lawyers or successful businessmen and their wives are known as P.H.W.'s or Pittsford House Wives (rich women who don't work, they are in book clubs, gourmet clubs, 'twig' and play golf, tennis and paddle tennis at their Country Clubs while their kids are at school). A little over 27,000 people live in Pittsford and 99% of them are Caucasian, majority of them drive cars over $50,000, belong to one of the 7 private Country Clubs in the town and have lake houses on Ontario Lake or one of the Finger Lakes. Pittsford kids (Sutherland & Mendon- both in Newsweek's 100 Top High Schools in America) are known as "rich bitches" by other towns in Rochester and they are basically poster children for Polo, Lacoste and Abercrombie & Fitch. Pittsford has a historic, quaint, upscale village right on the Erie Canal and there are many unique, privately- run boutiques and restaraunts in the village especially on Schoen Place. Pittsford is listed as one of 'Best Places to Live in the Country' by CNN and the town is one of the wealthiest in the nation.

Pittsford is the nicest suburb in Upstate New York.

Wegman's, Canal Park, Embankment, Mendon Pond's Park (Devil's Bathtub), The Getty, Pontillo's Pizza, Garbage Plates, Country Sweet and Genny Light.

by Pittsford May 12, 2006

118๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


A good town in up-state New York. Often referred to as "rich brats", though many of which, are not rich and not brats.
The main competition here is sports between mendon and sutherland.

Pittsford, New York

by SutherlandFreshman April 17, 2009

85๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wealthy suburb of Rochester, New York. Known for its quaint village along the Erie Canal with cute little shops and a combination library/Bruegger's Bagels. The school system is also excellent. There are two high schools: Mendon in the South and Sutherland in the North. Pittsford kids are mostly preppies who shop at upscale stores like Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch. Pittsford adults are usually successful businessmen or doctors. Pittsford also has many so-called modern day hippies--people who eat organic, practice yoga, and drive hybrid cars. Pittsfordians can be snooty, so watch out.

I got a B on a math test and I'm upset about it. I'm such a Pittsford kid.

by Bunquita December 5, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


a small wealthy town in upstate new york consisiting of only 27,219 people. A majority of the people hold jobs as doctors or have created their own business, earning up to as much as $5 million a year. Lately, the urban trends have been hitting the youth, causing some confusion. In the high schools, white suburban kids are listening to rap, exclaiming how ghetto their brand new $40,000 SUV'S are, and popping their pink shirt collars. Last time i checked, ghetto wasnt associated with money, pink was a girls color, and the way the shirt collar came folded when bought was the way it was supposed to be worn. Self image is starting to become everything, girls going on extreme diets to become skinny, joining the cheerleader nazi squads, joining the football team to seem tough and gain popularity with the mindless cheerleaders( see retarded). People without the newest stuff are deemed worthless and stupid, and are openly criticized. relationships are for looks and money, no one knows of true love, only who has the best looking gf or bf. there is only one word for this kind of place, and that word would be hell.

ryan:hey j-unit, nice pink popped collar
jake: ya, i know! its so ghetto
Shalvoyage: hey did u see me playing basketball?
o.g. smith: ya dude, you are so good your black.
Kelly: omg, pittsford is so the ghetto.
emily:ya i know, wanna see my new car?

by jessica salzberry February 25, 2006

99๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


The true 'hood, the ghetto, the projects, whatever you call the slums of new york state. it be located in Upstate New York and it is near Rochester,and in the middle of the surrounding towns of Henrietta, East Rochester, Mendon, Fairport, and Perinton and it is tha hardest place u will eva find. The main parts of it are, the town of pittsford, which includes the communities of Meadowgate (Tha Hardest streets of pittsford, also where I live), Bushnells Basin, (near meadowgate, and also very ghetto), The area near East Rochester and Monroe Ave, and the Thornell/Park Rd. Area. (fairly ghetto. And the other half of pittsford, The Village Of Pittsford, which is based on the Erie canal and Includes the Schoen Place area, and is associated with the reast of the west side of pittsford, such as the calkins road area. the village is a cool hang-out spot as long as you from there. If you a homie from the town, you best watch yo back when stompin in the village, cause gangstas there don't like eastsidaz and theres a lot of crews there. Vice Versa for damn villagers that be all up in the town, (step up in the town, and u won't be found). I mean in pittsford, theres crazy crime, drugs, and maddd violence. The biggest gang is probably the CKC (Cracka Kill'n Committee) them brothas be straight up crazy. Once you find yo place and pick a set to patrol, learn yo envrionment, and get wit a gang, you can feel like you home, just like me.

-Perinton Busta: "Yo prep, gitcho ass up outta here!"

-CKC or other Pittsford Gang Member:"Betta shut yo mouth foo, b-fo i beat yo ass!"

Perinton Busta: "No, ima whoop yo ass!"

-CKC or other Pittsford Gang Member:"Hit me then, homeboy!"

(The Busta bitch slaps him and then pittsford rolla beats his ass to da curb)

by O.G. Smith September 19, 2005

113๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pittsford Housewife

A resident of the upscale Rochester, NY suburb of Pittsford. Typically drives one of these cars: a black Escalade, a silver Lexus LX or a red Prius. Spends the day playing tennis at the club, having her nails done at one of the spas, planning her next shopping trip to Paris or New York, collecting items for a charity event silent auction, meeting with her decorator to decide on a fabric, attending a yoga class or watching the grounds crew work while reading Conde Nast Traveler next to the pool.

Pointing at a women shopping in Wegmans, "What do you think, a Pittsford Housewife?" Reply: "Absolutely. The body is too perfect not to have been sculpted."

by Blake777 March 18, 2011

82๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž