Source Code


ROBERT is the #3 most common male name.
3.143% of men in the US are named ROBERT.
Around 3850175 US men are named ROBERT!

ROBERT is the #996 most common female name.
0.008% of females in the US are named ROBERT.
Around 10200 US females are named ROBERT!

ROBERT is the #2533 most common last name.
0.005% of last names in the US are ROBERT.
Around 12500 US last names are ROBERT!

I once was friends with a Robert but we called him Robby back then.

by SakuraSaku October 29, 2006

3268πŸ‘ 3179πŸ‘Ž


Another way to spell "Jason"
A frist name to males and a last name.

Hey Jayson! Hey Jayson!

by SakuraSaku October 29, 2006

525πŸ‘ 312πŸ‘Ž


Another word for cool
Something better then cool
Totally kick ass

Kid: I hate your shoes!
Me: I don't! I think there awesome.

by SakuraSaku October 19, 2006

13πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


WILLIAM is the #5 most common male name.
2.451% of men in the US are named WILLIAM.
Around 3002475 US men are named WILLIAM!

WILLIAM is the #1118 most common female name.
0.007% of females in the US are named WILLIAM.
Around 8925 US females are named WILLIAM!

WILLIAM is the #731 most common last name.
0.016% of last names in the US are WILLIAM.
Around 40000 US last names are WILLIAM!

William doesn't want tea with that dog.

by SakuraSaku October 29, 2006

303πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


1) What a boy says to a girl he likes
2) What a girl says to a boy she likes
3) A term of endearment/ appreciation
4) See honey

Boy: Hey darling!
Girl: Drop dead.

by SakuraSaku October 17, 2006

840πŸ‘ 360πŸ‘Ž


A alternate word to use instead of cussing
Insult meaning mean person, bitch, asshole
Also spelt Booger Head

Incorrect: My dog is boogerhead, not male!
Correct: He was being such a boogerhead to me.
Incorrect: Stop boogerheading me, etc

by SakuraSaku October 26, 2007

16πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Kristen is the #194 most common female name.
0.111% of females in the US are named Kristen.
Around 141525 US females are named Kristen!

Kristen is the #56162 most common last name.
0.0005% of last names in the US are Kristen.
Around 1250 US last names are Kristen!

Kristen is my frist name.

by SakuraSaku October 1, 2006

1537πŸ‘ 932πŸ‘Ž