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This is the easiest and most simple way to turn any normal sentence into a Sexual Innuendo

Steph: "Do you want to come and help me make some cakes?"

Greg: "Ooer"

Steph: "(blush) Errrmmmm No I didnt mean it like That!!!"

by SamwellRamswell April 14, 2009

141👍 50👎

Cheeky Cheeky

The way to describe a seriously fit and super sexy female of the highest standard and calibre

Jason: "check out the hot ass over there"

Gary: "Cheeky Cheeky"

by SamwellRamswell April 15, 2009

14👍 14👎


How Ugly Guys get Laid

Jemal: "Man i got me some sweet ass pussy last night"

Tyson: "(confused) WHAT?!?! How the fuck??? You got a face like a baboons arse"

Jemal: "Rohipnol, my friend"

by SamwellRamswell April 15, 2009

15👍 13👎


Short for Working Man, it is also usually accompanied by making the symbol for the W and M with your hands, the W is made by holding the Right hand upwards with the index, middle and ring finger all outstretched and spread apart, then the same with the left hand apart from poining it downwards.
Its used mainly to make fun of your friends who bitch and moan all the time like little girls about how hard they have been working

Scott: "Dude im so fucking tired, ive been working like a slave all week"

All his mates sing the chorous: "hes a Working Man, or the Working People(whilst all making the WM sign with their hands to mock him)

by SamwellRamswell April 11, 2009

60👍 31👎