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1. Adjective: A word to describe someone who is very attractive.

2. Noun: the name of a hot guy.

1. Person 1: "Damn, that guy is fit!"
Person 2: "fit? That guy's a flinn"

2. Person 1: "look at that guy over there"
Person 2: "damn he's hot. Has to be a Flinn!"

by Sarcastic-Koala October 13, 2018


A Seb is someone youd typically find screaming obnoxiously through PS4.
He happens to be Flinn's cousin

Person 1: "My mate was screaming at his PS4 last night."

Person 2: "Oh, was he a Seb?"

by Sarcastic-Koala October 14, 2018

3👍 3👎