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a person, most often a female, that attributes the qualitys of a butterface as well a cunning and tricky snake

Jill the buttersnake's huge ass can't make up for her hook nose and aweful personality.

by Schwank November 4, 2004

8👍 5👎


The sound a bag of quarters makes when it hits someone upside the head, causing this individual to have a lazy eye.

that twack ass bitch can't even see straight

by Schwank November 4, 2004

35👍 47👎


A extremely fine member of the opposite sex

That girl is a hot little treat.

by Schwank November 4, 2004

157👍 104👎


A delectible taste sensation, such as a cupcake. Usually in reference to another person.

I could beat that little cupcake treat's ass.

by Schwank November 4, 2004

114👍 94👎


A person who is undesirable or lame

They made me pass the ball to that treat.

by Schwank November 4, 2004

46👍 69👎

terra nova

A predominatly white High School in the foggy suburb of Pacifica California. It features a tiger mascot, and is one of the heaviest drinking schools California.

The Terra Nova students showed their lackluster attitudes at the football game.

by Schwank August 6, 2005

86👍 29👎