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Much Love

An acceptable, some might say endearing, valediction (farewell) used as a sign of affection between male friends (bros) without insecurities about their, or your, sexuality.

As other definitions have pointed out: women may also employ this phrase, however this is not something to scorn them for; many of us suffer from ignorance of alien-cultures.

American: It was good talking to you again broseph, much love.

British: Toodle-pip old chum; it's been marvelous, much love to you.

Woman: Ha, ha, that is so funny, much love Jimmy; must dash.

Italian: Il nostro amore è la cosa più importantissima nella mia vita. Io brucio per amore di voi. Tu sei con me ovunque io vada. Ora e per sempre, il mio sexy maschile, molto amore.

by Scirerus September 24, 2012

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