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Slow it

Often said to a lower classman or frosh who is acting like a spaz, trying to be cool.

Freshman grom: gwing gwing
(swings on cafeteria bars)

senior: Slow it, you barney!!

by ScratchAndBurn February 22, 2010

2👍 1👎

Slow your log

having to stop in the middle of taking a big dump because your mom makes you stop so she can go to work.

Hey, slow your log, i need to get ready for work , im late!!

by ScratchAndBurn February 22, 2010

3👍 2👎

medal porn

pictures and video of athletes using the olympic medal to perform fake explicit acts at a party with hot women.

have you seen that medal porn on the internet?

Yea its hot

by ScratchAndBurn February 21, 2010

2👍 2👎

Urban boosting

The act of writing a definition for Urban Dicitionary and then becoming an editor and publishing your own defintions. And usually not publishing anyones elses, then leaving to go play tiddlewinks with your little brother. Oh yeah and its usually for words that the person just made up and just want to see published for themselves.

My friend, hunydory, wrote a definition for sirysuk, but it was really dum and he is the only one dum enuf to use it so it got rejected like 12 times until he went urban boosting and published it himself.

by ScratchAndBurn February 22, 2010

3👍 1👎