Source Code


Scripting is in relation to coding, where a individual scripts (aka programs) a program using a certain script language to do an automated task, or set of tasks. These script languages are an extension of javascript, python, html, etc

"Man whoever scripted this site, really sucks at scripting."

"I love scripting my own programs!"

"Java is a very weird scripting language..."

by Scriptoria July 5, 2020

Alpha Authority

Alpha Authority AA is a term which shows how much of an Alpha something is, aka a Chad. People who are with Alpha Authority are part of something that has won the highest awards and outdone everyone else by being the first to accomplish something.

Everyone: Yo I heard you're part of the Alpha Authority!! Wicked!
Hadrek: Yeah, ever since it started in 2012. :)

Bryant: Yo, you heard the Alpha Authority won the Bloxys? What a achievement!
Zan: Of course! We are Chads!

Sflux: Heya! I'm an Alpha Authority chad now!
Alpha Authority Chads: Welcome to gang Sflux! :)

by Scriptoria December 19, 2020