Source Code

Monkey Aggro

Background: From CoH, Fire Imps. They look like little burning monkies and they have a mind all their own.
Definition: Being dragged into a bad situation by forces out of your control.

example: You stop killing baddies to manage your enhancements, and while you aren't looking the fire imps have aggro'd a level 50 Archvillan and he sends you to the hospital with one shot.

by Seabass December 8, 2004

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The most kick ass and influential wakeboarder of all time.

Have you seen byerly's part in 12 honkeys?

by Seabass February 22, 2005

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Loco Crue

A wakeboarding crew that is native to West Virginia.

The Loco Crue dominated that competition up in MD.

by Seabass January 20, 2005

split the wickets

First used in Tony Hawk 3 to describe skating through a gap. Also is another way to describe having sex.

So I heard you split the wickets quite a few times with Tina last night.

by Seabass January 20, 2005

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vanilla crunk

A psuedonymn for Seabass the Destroyer. Meaning to be a white version of lil jon. Also a redneck version of crunk juice. It is a mixture of wild turkey and redbull

Damn, he mixes some damn fine vanilla crunk.

by Seabass February 22, 2005

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black mamba

Name of the greatest truck in west virginia. Its nemisis the Panzer claims to be better. The driver is crazy and drives like a bat outta hell.

The black mamba and panzer are to do battle at sunset.

by Seabass February 23, 2005

4πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

black label society

The Greatest Fucking Band Ever. ZAKK WYLDE IS KING.

Society Dwelling Mother Fuckers rule!

Black Label Society Kicks fucking ass.

by Seabass February 22, 2005

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