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fuck off loser ..a cryptic way to tell someone what you think about them when actually writing the words could lead to drama.

The man: we have temporarily suspended your account

Victim: fol

by Seatthell December 16, 2009

72πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamer

The Cleveland Steamer does not necessarily involve the rolling back and forth, to and fro, per se of said dookie. Rather, the term Steamer refers to the relative temperature at which a growler is produced. The rectum being 4 degrees F above core body temperature allows for the optimal environment to produce a Celine Dion with the smoldering characteristics. Cleveland refers to the cleavage of a womans breastesis though, ironically, homo's are the main proprietors of this filthy fetish.

While having mediocre sex with Nancy, or whatever her name was, she excitedly offered up her heaving breastesis for a Cleveland Steamer. Repulsed beyond comprehension by the fact that she was: a) not only into such debauchery but b) excited by the thought, I backed my cack out of her arse, proceeded to give her an impromptu hot carl, got dressed and fucked off.

by Seatthell February 14, 2006

533πŸ‘ 414πŸ‘Ž


Round my way, it means you keep putting off masterbating, ie you keep procrastinating on your masterbating.

Guy: Ya I was gonna free willy and do my best automatic sprinkler impression but then I got distract... ooh look! a nickel! (..and thus another successful procrasterbate)

by Seatthell July 28, 2011

45πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

gaping sticks

snow skis. Due to the big, gaping hole or area that exists between each ski and thus your legs.

Punk: Look at that bunch of gapers riding their gaping sticks.
Fucktard: Ya.

person: I need some new gaping sticks
anonymous: No you need to stfu.

by Seatthell January 27, 2007

56πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


I hate all of you fucking pretentious, dirty, smelly, ugly liberals that populate such a God-forsaken hell hole. You go around thumbing your nose at any and everything that is not exactly like you or doesn't fit perfectly into the way your shriveled little brain works. Your flannel shirts can fuck off. Your 501's suck. Your motherfucking goddamn teva's are DISGUSTING and even you know that Birkenstocks are just flatout wrong. The majority of women are seriously fucked up in the head (headcase, psycho bitch) and would not think twice about fucking your best friend and then telling you about it, just because you kept her goddamn (insert any object here) for too long. And I've never in my life seen such a pathetic bunch of whiny, pessimistic, obnoxious-for-no-reason, DELUDED, closeted males. Seattleites hate everything, including other Seattleites and especially non-natives. It's because they all have rain brain. Gee, do you think it can rain for ANOTHER day in a row? Anyone seen Noah?

Tourist: Hi, how are you?
Seattleites: (in their cheesiest, fakest tone possibe, aka just acting normal) ..oh, hi!
Tourist: Beautiful city you have here.
Seattleites: (looking tourist over like he/she is a giant piece of shit) Do I know you? (passive-aggressively walks away to go home and cry for 10 hours)
Tourist: Ok, well go ahead and walk off now, lib. Oh, hey, C U Next Tuesday! C'mon lets get the fuck out of this God-forsaken hell hole. And Lord! please!! ENOUGH WITH THE MOTHER-FUCKING RAIN!!!!

by Seatthell January 27, 2007

147πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž


This is when your plans for the evening include you and your bros going out and doing the same thing you always do.

bros +usual

Bro: What we doin 2nite?
Bro: Blow & Hoes
Bro: So, the brosual..
Bro: Werd

by Seatthell July 28, 2011

49πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


when someone who is autistic does something fantastic

Dude: did you see what that autistic person just did!!

Other dude: Definitely have to go to K Mart for underwear.

Dude: that was autastic I tell ya! How much would you pay to see someone do that again?

Other dude: 'bout a hundred dollars. Ya, definitely a hundred dollars.

by Seatthell May 3, 2008

89πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž