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For shit

1) at all
2) for nothing

1) I dont like veggie burgers for shit.

2) She's a whore, she'll fuck anyone for shit.

by Sebzilla March 24, 2006

165👍 21👎

Ham town

Framingham, massachusetts.

obviously so named because of the "ham" in it. FramingHAM.

No, it is not a large producer of ham.

Ham town is becoming more and more ghetto. Some people are beginning to call Beaver a mini-Boston.

by Sebzilla July 6, 2006

5👍 17👎


) A state with about 5.5 million people. DC is partly here along with Annapolis and Baltimore. It is a state nowhere as gangsta as MA.

2) (a term that many ppl don't know about, cuz i invented it) to smoke weed, or get high. as in mary jane=weed. maryland. to be in the land or mary... A great term to use when you have random losers running amok, or when you just dont want ne1 to know.

I went to Maryland to see my uncle.


Pot head1: Ai, yo. I brought the weed. wanna go to maryland?
Pot head2: When?
Pothead1: You stupid fuck... RIGHT NOW!


I went to Maryland to see my uncle.


Pot head1: Ai, yo. I brought the weed. wanna go to maryland?
Pot head2: When?
Pothead1: You stupid fuck... RIGHT NOW!

by Sebzilla April 19, 2006

7👍 74👎

have the balls

To have the courage to do something.

Person 1: So did you get her number man?
Person 2: No... It's cuz -
Person 1: No freakin excuses man... You're a pussy, you don't even have the balls to ask for a girl's number!

by Sebzilla June 4, 2006

210👍 36👎