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1: noun- Extremely frightening members of the arachnid family, spiders can be found all over the world. These creatures are eight-legged and carnivorous and most often use silk/webbing to ensnare and bind their prey. Venom is then injected into the incapacitated victim, which pretty much liquefies its insides so that the spider can drink it. Yum.

Some of them just do some creepy attack shit, though... with, like... jumping and strength and evil.

Some spider venom is harmful to humans as well as insects.

And while spiders are found in almost every corner of the globe, it seems that they are all conspiring to scare me individually.

I'm pretty sure at this point that they exist to make me cry.

2: verb- When there is only one swing set on a playground but two individuals wish to swing at the same time, they may choose to spider. One of them, usually the larger, sits forward (normally) on the seat of the swing, and the other straddles that person, facing towards them.

1: Spiders scare the living fuck out of me. Fear of spiders is known as arachnophobia, and can make you extremely paranoid in more intense cases.

2: In sixth grade, Alicia and Betty decided to swing while they were waiting for the bus to come. There was only one, so they spidered. While the two girls giggled together, Alicia proceeded to laugh so hard that she pissed on Betty's shirt. Needless to say, the two aren't friends anymore.

by SeparateGravity April 23, 2009

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