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The proper usage of the word for a cannabis rolled blunt remains, rather than saying roaches as where it is actually rol'ches because they are rolled.

I smoke the blunts over time and left more than one rol'ch that is rol'ches.

by Sevfcantrell June 3, 2022


The breath of the Gods and very atmosphere of heaven. On Mount Olympus the upper atmosphere above the clouds was known as ether. Also put in cocaine.

If I were to breathe ether my whole life I would never die a physical death and would dwell in immortality all the days of my life.

by Sevfcantrell March 25, 2021


a military like keen awareness of your surroundings as if to keep cautiously prepared if anything were to happen

In the streets of South Central you have to walk with some type of militude to survive, otherwise the dawgs come and get you when you least expect it.

by Sevfcantrell February 10, 2023


A descriptive word or complimentary word carrying the meaning of being sexy in a princessy type of way or a kind way of telling someone they are sexy with princess qualities.

"Excuse me kind lady, has anyone ever told you, you were cessy!" He replied "Cessy!? What does that mean? " She replied "Check it out in the urban dictionary" He left her with briefly

by Sevfcantrell July 2, 2022


Once the spirit is aroused by God and given so much pleasure in worship; or like a spiritual orgasm caused by God

I have many Godgasms a day in my relationship with God. Tune in and Rapture!

by Sevfcantrell March 13, 2021

No Face Niggah

What they call victims to getting their faces blown off by a firearm in the African American communities or hoods and police that have seen it.

Don't let them make you a no face niggah cause your attitude on the streets, envy is a hell of a disease that infects the soul to drive someone to do that.

by Sevfcantrell February 10, 2023