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1. A smart person

2. Humpty Dumpty

Gary: Look at that egghead reading like a nerd!

by Sh4d0wX April 15, 2021

Digital Blackface

A term coined by people who feel the need to be offended on behalf of black people
Used to describe people who aren’t black (primarily used to refer to white people) using gifs of black people.

Moron: how dare you use a gif of a black person, that’s digital blackface

by Sh4d0wX March 28, 2023


1. One who looses at an activity such as a game or sport.

2. A word used to taunt other people.

Randy: Hey loser, you got that fuckin five dollars that you owe me?

by Sh4d0wX April 14, 2021


The reason walking is considered an exercise.

Bob: I fucking hate walking I wish I had a car so I didn't have to walk.

by Sh4d0wX April 13, 2021