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1. noun, a harmful psycho-stimulant, short for methamphetamine. Commonly used by white trailer trash, commonly referred to as "White Boy's Crack". Highly addictive, it can cause sever psychosis and other mental illnesses, as well as wounds covering the skin due to a sensation of bugs crawling beneath it. Don't do meth, kids.

2. noun, extremely potent marijuana, also referred to as "mef", as defined by the Wu-Tang Clan.

"Hey James, wanna go down a long, awful path with me, where we'll be forced to suck dick for a fix and probably end up dying from an overdose? I've got some meth."

"All right, y'all get your White Owl
Get your meth, get your skins
Don't forget your forty
And we gonna do it like this"

- M.E.T.H.O.D Man - Wu-Tang Clan

by ShadeOfBrooklyn November 9, 2013

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