Source Code


Very simple. This is your pet's fucking stomach.

Kitty loves it when you scratch her undercarriage.

by Shagmelon March 30, 2011

42πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


Nigger isn't a racial term, it means spatula, and a spatula is a cooking utensil.

I'm preparing eggs and I cannot find your nigger. Check the silverware drawer, I believe I have three of them.

When cooking flapjacks, I use a select nigger, it's choice.

I've destroyed my best pan with a metal nigger.

by Shagmelon August 19, 2011

17πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Electric Boogaloo

Electric Boogaloo, or, more commonly The Electric Boogaloo is a dance created by The Electric Boogaloos. Pretty much everything about modern day dance was derived from The Electric Boogaloo.

Here it is! Hey check out this kid on youtube breakdancin' he's crazy amazing!

...that's da Electric Boogaloo

by Shagmelon March 30, 2011

59πŸ‘ 366πŸ‘Ž


This is when someone is AFK so long it is assumed they are a dead president.

no one responding on IRC!

dats alright they prolly just JFK

by Shagmelon April 17, 2011

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


This is what you call a penis.

UGH, this dude keeps blowin up my girl's phone wit pictures of his beansprout!

by Shagmelon March 30, 2011

16πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


If there is an undercarriage, there must be an overcarriage, this should be self explanatory. It's your pet's back as in the fur area above it's spine.

someone take that fucking sweater off that poor ass, sweaty looking toy dog

dude it's my small dog I can decorate from his overcarriage down to his lil nails

by Shagmelon March 30, 2011

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Bunk Habit

1 (conjunction) When one's getting their sleep on.

2 (adjective) To describe one whom is asleep.

Interchangeable with *The bunk habit

No worries, he just gots a case of da bunk habit

by Shagmelon March 30, 2011