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Yo best homie. BFF.

Yo trubru, what up? Dat waz da shit yo. Got yo back foreva.

by Shakesmear May 13, 2022


1.Germanic origin; large sword. Prevalent in medieval Europe.

2.slang; penis

Lady Isabella bid me invite. “Lambkin, put down thy grossmesser and crease my gown” she said softly. “I believe you err, me lady. Thou yearnth me blade. Thou have it!” said I. We banged so hard the UPS guy heard us.

by Shakesmear May 18, 2022


An aggressive and fat nurse.

When I went to the dr the other day the Hippapotamus yelled at me for filling out the forms wrong. I answered her with courageous flatulence.

by Shakesmear May 12, 2022


Being struck by your iPhone while using it in bed. Typically while falling asleep.

Johan got iwacked last night while watching YouTube too late. It was pretty funny.

by Shakesmear July 18, 2022


The Tetris-like positions participants need to assume to fit into a densely packed orgy.

Andy Dick’s last party was in such a small apartment I had to take the L position in the orgygomy.

by Shakesmear May 9, 2022


White, angry, and typically wealthy individuals filled with entitled rage.

The angrosaxon accused the establishment of serving him filet mignon that was not cooked sous vide, as advertised. By the third time the dish was served with an unmistakable helping of foam ubf (unidentifiable body fluid).

by Shakesmear May 12, 2022

fix your watch

A strong shudder resulting in an arm flail. Typically used in reference to taking a strong liquor shot.

A shota Goose takes care of everything. It’ll fix your watch.

by Shakesmear May 14, 2022