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A terme used to describe a female. Not quite derogotory, however, it implies a strong lack of respect.

That Angie b-rod is one raging fucktwat.

by Sheldon January 25, 2004

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Twist Butt

one who is a homosexual. Walks with a fruitful twist. Gay ass muthafucka

Marcus ol twist butt ass.

by Sheldon November 21, 2003

7πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

internet boyfriend

A boyfriend that one keeps. The majority of interaction between the couple is done over MSN messenger.

See also internet girlfriend

Hey Matt, did you hear? Ang made me her internet boyfriend, and now she wants to inter-do me. With web-cams. By the way, can i borrow yours?

by Sheldon January 27, 2004

25πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


1 - A weed imported from the northern parts of France. Typically jagged in nature.

2 - Someone or something that makes me want to shoot up a school.

See also:
dildo that slipped through the cracks
fuck head

"I'm gonna level with you, hes a bit of a douche. Total Jagweed."

by Sheldon January 24, 2004

20πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž

internet girlfriend

A girlfriend that a person has. The majority of interaction is done over the internet, usually on MSN messenger.

See also internet boyfriend

Hey Matt! Guess what? Ang is my new internet girlfriend, and we are gonna do it, on the internet.

by Sheldon January 27, 2004

69πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

package blast

a forceful or an incapacitating strike (usually) to a man's crotch; can also be used to describe an unfortunate event that is just as painful. *AKA blast in the package

Even though the old man wanted to apologize for hitting Mike Tyson's car, Tyson was so angry that he gave the man a crisp package blast and walked away.

by Sheldon May 14, 2003

140πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Some fucking neener.

Cuttie, you are a fucking neener.

by Sheldon January 24, 2004

3πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž