Source Code

crutch odour

Cruth or crotch odour is very similar to body odour also known as b.o. but concentrated mainly on the genetalia of either male or female.

Girl: fancy a shag?
Boy: fuck off, you've got crutch odour, go and wash your cunt!

by Shell555 January 3, 2007

31👍 14👎

fanny licker

A fanny licker is also a name for a small dog that grannies buy when their husband has long passed away, this little pooch then takes on the roll the husband used to play (in the bedroom)ie: licking grannies minge!

Grandchild: are you lonely when you go to bed nan?
Grannie: no darling, I take my little fanny licker to bed these days, he's better than grandad!

by Shell555 January 3, 2007

98👍 35👎

cunt features

when someones facial features are those of a cunt, thus fucking ugly!

boy: do you wanna go out with me?
girl: fuck off, cunt features!

by Shell555 January 3, 2007

48👍 8👎