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Cum Ignited Fuck Face

cott is a ciff.

by Shil April 10, 2004

8👍 14👎


school full of wannabe cool people. too poor to go to St. Francis and too retarded to make it in life. all loyola guys can be found at break time making out with each other in the bathrooms.

Dude, St. Francis is so much better than Loyola. At least we're not all gay like those Loyola fags

by Shil March 14, 2005

73👍 210👎


an acronym for "Sleeps With Men". Your a dumbass if you can't figure out the "I" is in teh word "with" like "S.E.A.L." where as the "S.E." is for "Sea".

Vince and mike went swimming last night.

by Shil April 10, 2004

43👍 876👎