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Shiznick is a term that may be used when one has done something incorrect.

It may be used instead of a curse word

* Alyssia did not catch the football *

Brianna - " Ahhh Shiznick "

by Shiznick_666 April 4, 2018


An Australian Man and/or Woman who is of Australian Origin.

Bogans may or may not be subjected to taking, Drugs, pills (sometimes referenced to pingaz), and alcohol.

"Oi' mate you see that bogan over there, he slept with me misses last week. Lets gut him."

by Shiznick_666 April 4, 2018

Pat Dodson

Pat Dodson not to be confused with dumbledore, is an aboriginal campaign who is based in Australia.

" Pat Dodson believes in equal rights for aborgionals."

by Shiznick_666 April 5, 2018


Slang term used to Define someone of colour, who may be found in Australia

" Abo's did not have rights till the late 1900's"

statement may be incorrect (not a reliable source)

by Shiznick_666 April 4, 2018

34👍 55👎


Slang term used to Define someone of colour, who may be found in Australia

" Abo's did not have rights till the late 1900's"

statement may be incorrect (not a reliable source)

by Shiznick_666 April 4, 2018