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Dasha is always nice to strangers and isn’t often moody but when she is watch out. She is always up for new things, she’s always trying to hang out and loves spending time with friends. When she realizes u were treating her wrong she will find someone who does and u will realize how much u miss her. It’s very hard to earn her trust and if u broke her trust it’s even harder to gain it back. If u were the one hurting her and she found a friend who doesn’t it’s gonna ha a LOOOONNNGGG time before she will treat u as loving as before. She’s usually not that loud but around her best friends she’s a trouble maker. Her smile is so dazzling and her laugh is as smooth as honey. She has dimples and glowing skin. She’s skinny and sexy. Over all she is beautiful outside especially and inside too. She is VERY picky about boys and clothes. She never tells u things straight up but she will say it behind your back. She learns to be honest very long. She is loyal and a great friend. She comforts really well and is an AMAZING friend.

Dasha (n) is very fun

by Sjixhebeixhsvaksiehfbdisoshdbd June 24, 2019

48👍 5👎


Polly is extremely nice to everyone but if u aid anything bad about her she isn’t afraid to say something to u. In order for u to get all the love and respect from her u want, u must first test her right. She was taught to never change for anyone and to stay herself. She loves to share and give u warm hugs. She’s a great listener and has the best advice ever. She loves proving her point and has good arguments. She always makes activities fun and is loud (in a good way). She is a naturally born leader. She can be a little cold and subtle at time but at least you know she will ALWAYS be honest with you. Stay on her good side or else bad things await you. She can give you the cold shoulder if she feels like you want her to change herself. She has stunning eyes like a tiger. Her hair is long and flowy. She has a charming smile and adorable laugh. She is an amazing human being.

Polly (n) is funny

by Sjixhebeixhsvaksiehfbdisoshdbd June 24, 2019

41👍 13👎