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A guy who can't help EVERYBODY...

Client-I eat people.
Therapist-How does that make you feel?

by Skelectory April 8, 2009

213👍 56👎


Graf is a shortened or slang term for graffiti.

I saw some sick graf downtown last night.

by Skelectory April 6, 2009

93👍 75👎


A shortened term for, "know what I'm sayin'?"
Often used to enhance informal conversation.

-I have to go fill a hole in my backyard.
-I'll fill your hole in my backyard, nawmsayin'?

by Skelectory April 7, 2009

48👍 4👎


Two Drag Pass.
Two drags...Then pass.
Usually referring to marijuana; each person takes two hits then passes it to the person next to them (or whoever it's supposed to be passed on to.)

Ronaldo: *takes a hit, then attempts to pass*
Finneh: *prepares to take joint*
Khiel: Dude, he gets another hit. 'Tis 2DP. >:O
Finneh: Owtf..
Ronaldo: omfg *win*

by Skelectory April 12, 2009

30👍 9👎


A dragon that is a douchebag.

Dragon: *kicks over sandcastle* ROFLAWLZ
Ricky: Wow, what a douchebagon.

by Skelectory April 1, 2009

29👍 5👎


Attention Deficit...Ooh, Butterfly!

Kyle: Dude, what's wrong with you?
Neil: I have Attention Deficit...Ooh, Butterfly! *chase*
Kyle: Wtf, ADOB...

by Skelectory May 8, 2009

20👍 9👎