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uncertain, sketchy or dodgy.

Usually if something or someone is offy it is odd in an inexplicable way.

Person 1: Dude that guy over there looks very iffy.

Person 2: yeah we should probably stay away from him.

by Skryko December 6, 2019


uncertain, sketchy or dodgy.

Usually if something or someone is iffy it is odd in an inexplicable way.

Person 1: Dude that guy over there looks very iffy.

Person 2: yeah we should probably stay away from him.

by Skryko December 6, 2019

no offence

A phrase used when someone wants to make something seem less offensive. Most of the time it just makes them sound like an asshole.

"no offence" but you are fat and lazy...

by Skryko December 6, 2019

no offence

A phrase used when someone wants to make something seem less offensive. Most of the time it just makes them sound like an asshole.

Person 1: "no offence" but you are fat and lazy...
Person 2: yeah, well "no offense" but this is why your mom doesn't love you....

by Skryko December 15, 2019

no offence

A phrase used when someone wants to make something seem less offensive. Most of the time it just makes them sound like an asshole.

Person 1: "no offence" but you are fat and lazy...
Person 2: yeah, well "no offense" but this is why your mom doesn't love you....

by Skryko December 15, 2019

no offence

A phrase used when someone wants to make something seem less offensive. Most of the time it just makes them sound like an asshole.

Person 1: "no offence" but you are fat and lazy...
Person 2: yeah well "No offense" but, this is why your mom doesn't love you...

by Skryko December 10, 2019


In the "US" slang for a liquor store
In "Ireland" and "Britain" slang for off-licence.

Person 1: I'm gonna take a run to the offy to get some drinks, want to come with?

Person 2: nah I'm okay.

by Skryko December 6, 2019