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Ms Young

This teacher hates all students and when is mad loves to ring her bell and thinks that, is is the only way to make everyone quiet

Someone: Have you seen that new ms young person she is such a bitch
Friend: is she seriously that bad
someone: yea

by Skullz180 February 13, 2019

10👍 2👎


A person who always has pokemon in their mind and is always trying to look for a reference towards pokemon

Someone: What is that boy doing over there
friend: oh you'll get used to it he's a pokenerd

by Skullz180 February 14, 2019


The annoying person you wish you never knew yet he always returns to you like a pet looking for attention. If you run into this type of person you wish you kept your distance but your morales took over and made you give them a chance

Uday: Hey how do you get the answers for this question
Someone: Figure it out yourself
Uday: I know what to do I'm just testing you

by Skullz180 February 13, 2019

42👍 114👎


Emichael is a mix of Michael + Emaan making the perfect shipping.
They usually try and deny the feelings about each other everyone already knows about them

Someone: So how long have you been together
Emichael: We're not together SHUT UP

by Skullz180 February 13, 2019

2👍 1👎

The fuck you say to me you little shit

A term used when some is being disrespectful and most commonly known by the famous fortnite player ninja using it

Ninja: The fuck you say to me you little shit

by Skullz180 February 13, 2019

13👍 39👎


This person loves video games yet is not always amazing at them. When Luke finds a thing he is passionate about he will not give up on it. Luke can usually be crazy and stubborn and also with trusting issue, but once you get to know this person they will usually make you laugh or hysterically cringe

Someone: I wanna talk.
Luke: I wanna play video games so maybe another time

by Skullz180 February 13, 2019

2👍 1👎