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Noun. A shortened form of Crack + town that was coined on The Simpsons episode 5F17. Crackton refers to that part of a town or city where the lowest elements of the socio-economic spectrum typically lives. Usually riddled by drug abuse and crime, Crackton contains many pawnshops, needle exchanges, check cashing facilities, family planning centers, laundrymats, pornography distributors, and thrift shops. Crackton is often known by other names including: skid row, junkyville and crackville.

Let's go to Crackton and score some smack.

by Slagathor April 23, 2004

77πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Manual stimulation of the penis wherein a distinct base to glans uni-directional motion is utilized with the intention of causing rapid ejaculation in an emotionally non-involved manner.

That crazy ho was giving tugjobs out back of the Taco Tico.

by Slagathor September 21, 2005

210πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


Verb. A side effect of extreme over indulgence in crystal meth or crack cocaine. Tweekers typically perform OCD-like activities centered around finding small quantities of drugs that were inadvertently "misplaced". Tweekers may be seen on all fours, searching in gutters, obsessively looking under various objects and so on. In certain circumstances, extreme tweeking resembles autism or catatonia.

Yo! Check out that tweeking crack ho!

by Slagathor April 23, 2004

434πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


Noun. A business relationship characterized by one party boning the other--figuratively and financially that is--at every single opportunity. No actual sexual relationship is present.

Man, I'm in this awful rapelationship with Nick. He's completely screwing me over; what a dick!

by Slagathor September 23, 2005

30πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


First used in the early 1970's as a all-purpose sobriquet for conservative politicians by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Recently, the meaning of 'pigfucker' has changed to exclude the actual politicians, focusing instead only on the ill-educated, ignorant or mentally-challenged supporters of explicitly neo-conservative politics. In contemporary usage, therefore, neither Schwartzenegger nor his supporters would be'pigfuckers', but any trailer-dwelling Anne Coulter spouting asshat would be.

Stupid warmongering pigfucker freeps don't understand that neo-con policy in Iraq will cost them any hope for a prosperous future.

by Slagathor January 24, 2005

64πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Noun. A term referring to that part of a town or city where the lowest elements of the socio-economic spectrum typically lives. Usually riddled by drug abuse and crime, crackville contains many pawnshops, needle exchanges, check cashing facilities, family planning centers, laundrymats, pornography distributors, and thrift shops. Crackville is often known by other names including: skid row, crackton and junkyville.

Let's go to crackville and score some ludes.

by Slagathor April 23, 2004

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Verb. A George W. Bush coinage and apparently a combination of "instigate" and "indicate". Used during the Presidential news conference of April 13, 2004.

BUSH: Our military commanders report that this violence is being insticated by three groups.

by Slagathor April 21, 2004

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž